Area of Expertise:
Our private investigators agency tackles each case through the point of view of the European and national legislation in force and deals with domains of activity and services of major interest, as follows:
-Companies’ usage of private investigators in order to prevent information leaks and company’s prejudice. The same method will be used also for the companies in insolvency, liquidation by the Court and in bankruptcy, being one of the most efficient and cheapest solutions in frauds’ prevention.
-The agency will give specialty consultancy services and will issue complex case studies for companies in different situations, having as purpose the economical recovery and the prevention of them being prejudiced. The agency aims at becoming an essential part of the business environment in the shortest time possible, in terms of the investigation services offered;
-Preparing the private investigators for dealing with the challenges in actions, investigations and complex services, in searching for the missing persons. We will collaborate closely with the competent judiciary organizations in this area;
-Implementing the “Due diligence” concept and opening the collaboration channels with the state institutions that administrate public and European money, public auctions and major investments;
-Specialization of some private investigators in investigations requested by physical persons for gaining knowledge on their future life partners, monitoring the investments performed in Romania by companies and by physical persons, children entourage and preoccupations, investigations regarding the bloodline, infidelities, as well as other activities resulting from people needs and which can make object to the private investigations, developed by private investigators;
-Giving logistical and material support to other private investigators agencies, establishing the collaboration forms and making efficient the activities in order to increase the operability and quality of the investigations.